ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, Appendix 14 Design

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Example under paragraph 14-5(a)(1) has a integral flat head with a large centrally located opening with a nozzle attached to the opening (see fig. 14-2) below
Example under paragraph 14-5(b)(1) has a integral flat head with a large centrally located opening with no nozzle attached to the opening (see fig. 14-3) below

The user must change the variables at the top of the first page (under Define Variables) to match the geometry of the opening.
Erie Shore Consulting Engineers, Inc. provides this software as is, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. ESCE, Inc. shall not have any liability to the user other then the amount paid for the software. In no event will ESCE, Inc. be liable to the user for any lost profits or other incidental damages due to the use of the program or the users inability to use the software. It is the users responsibility to verify the results of the program.
This program runs in MathCad 2000. It is the users responsibility to purchase a licensed copy of MathCad 2000 of later. This program does not run in earlier versions of MathCad.

ESCE, Inc. has programmed Mandatory Appendix 14, Integeral Flat Heads with a Large, Single, Circular, Centrally-Located Opening.
The program runs only in MathCad 2000 or later.
What use to take 2 days of grueling, error prone hand calculations can now be done in two minutes.
All the the drudgery has been taken out of the calculations, including the need for calculating any of the flange factors (i.e. F, V, FL, VL, f, T, U, Y & Z).
All the user needs to do is input the data as described in the example problems under paragraph 14-5(a)(1)and 14-5(b)(1).
The program will provide all the flange stresses necessary to design the opening. These stresses can then be compared to the allowable stresses that are provided under this appendix.
If you are interested in purchasing the program the total cost is $100.

The program runs only in MathCad 2000 or later.
What use to take 2 days of grueling, error prone hand calculations can now be done in two minutes.
All the the drudgery has been taken out of the calculations, including the need for calculating any of the flange factors (i.e. F, V, FL, VL, f, T, U, Y & Z).
All the user needs to do is input the data as described in the example problems under paragraph 14-5(a)(1)and 14-5(b)(1).
The program will provide all the flange stresses necessary to design the opening. These stresses can then be compared to the allowable stresses that are provided under this appendix.
If you are interested in purchasing the program the total cost is $100.